
Development & Art by Phil Gosch

Internorm 3D App

I worked on this project as fulltime employee of CodeFlügel, responsibilities included project lead, primary client contact, lead developer, asset creation/animation & optimisation.

Hard Facts
Customer: Internorm International GmbH
Project: Internorm AR App
Area of application: sales/customer app

goal of the project

With the Internorm AR app, a new visualization tool was made available to sales and customers. Internorm products can thus be visualized in real time and adapted to customer requirements.

Windows and doors can be adapted to your own wishes and ideas with just a few clicks. A wide range of different windows and doors from the Internorm portfolio are available to the user

window cut

Interesting details of the respective product become visible in the cross section


The product name and lots of other relevant information about the respective product are clearly displayed and can be shown or hidden with just one click

opening simulation

How the whole thing looks in real life can be shown with the opening simulation

project description

The Internorm AR App was developed for the iOS and Android platforms and offers users the opportunity to visualize a wide variety of products from the product portfolio using AR. The user can visualize the products both in the catalog mode and by means of area tracking.

Catalog mode: In the Internorm catalogue, a number of products can be visualized using AR. Available products are marked with an icon, which tells the prospect that a specific image in the catalog serves as an AR target. The magic happens as soon as a user opens the Internorm app and holds the camera over the image. The respective product is projected into the real world. Simple and intuitive user guidance helps the user to find his way around quickly. For example, app users can view a window in 3D, configure it according to their own wishes and switch to the cross-section of the window with a button.

Hands-free mode: If there is no catalog at hand, the app also offers the possibility of visualizing windows or doors from the product range in the real world. In this way, a reference to reality can be quickly established and products viewed in the relevant context.

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