I worked on this project as fulltime employee of CodeFlügel, responsibilities included project lead for several inter-disciplinary projects, lead developer, outsourcing lead, asset creation/animation & optimisation and setup + operator training at the event among others.
Client: CoSA – Center of Science Activities
Project: CoSa Technology and Natural Sciences
Implementation period: 6 months
Field of application: Museum
Goal of the project
The “CoSA Spaces” exhibition aims to bring technical and scientific phenomena closer to young and tech-savvy people in a very carefree way.
project description
The CoSA (Center of Science Activities) officially opened its doors in October 2020 and offers a variety of interactive stations on the topics of technology and natural sciences. We were allowed to participate in the development of this project together with the Museum Joanneum, FRida & freD and Unter freiem Himmel.
CoSA knowledge
Various stations offer interactive opportunities to find answers to common scientific questions. At one of the stations, a floating ball becomes a tool for answering questions on the screen. The ball is kept in the air by the air flow from a hair dryer and steered into a goal. This in turn was equipped with sensors that then signal to our application whether the visitor has chosen the left or the right answer option.
CoSA human
In this exhibition area, visitors slip into the roles of a doctor, laboratory worker or scientist. The goal: the correct disease diagnosis for a patient. Here, too, the areas of responsibility of the individual professions are presented interactively and you receive exciting information on the various processes used.
The visitor carries out a visit to a patient and receives initial information about the illness by scanning a barcode at the bedside. One of the special challenges in this room was the interaction between software applications and the hardware, which makes the whole scenario in the room appear as realistic as possible. Blood samples can also be analyzed in a centrifuge or a gastroscopy can be performed. Always supported by suitable applications that give the visitor exciting information about the process.
CoSA technique
Build your own vehicle? Will be possible in this room! In order to give visitors the opportunity to exchange ideas with others on the topics of technology and mobility, we have made our contribution to the space in the form of an Android app. With the app, visitors can answer questions, ask their own questions or exchange ideas live with other inquisitive people in chat mode. In order to steer the course of the chat thematically, a chatbot repeatedly throws entries from the growing pool of questions into the room and encourages the visitor to respond to these questions again and again.
The extraordinary thing about this room is the smart, interactive workshop moderator called ISAAC. He surveys the room from an 86” display installed there in the form of a personified cloud of particles. Various sensors continuously measure parameters such as temperature or oxygen content. Using a microphone, ISAAC can react to the current conditions in the workshop room. The reactions are output via the loudspeakers using text-to-speech functionality. For example, ISAAC can point out to the workshop participants that the volume level in the room has reached an uncomfortable threshold.
In addition to the display of the particle avatar, you can show diagrams with the progression of the individual measured values on the display. A user interface on an additional screen allows these overlays to be controlled. However, it also offers the option of outputting current readings or your own messages via ISAAC’s voice.
You can find more information about the individual areas and what contribution we have made in the blog post “CoSA: Our contribution to the Center of Science Activities“.
Do you want to visit the exhibition? That’s our pleasure! You can find more information about the opening times and admission prices here.